Sunday, November 28, 2010

Design is Dangerous

Ipods are one of the most popular portable media players used today. There are a variety of models and generations, but one thing still stays the same, iPod ear buds. Since the ear buds are included free with the iPod, many people continue to use them not knowing the hidden potential dangers.

iPod ear buds are made cheap and are not meant to last. Many people have to constantly replace their iPod ear buds with new ones because of the fact that they keep breaking. Since the iPod chords are very long, they tend to get tangled up and snagged onto almost anything and everything, this is how many ear buds break. But this is especially dangerous when the ear buds are in the ear and the cord could potential hook onto a moving object, then it can pull the person along by the ears, possibly causing accidents. Also producing cheap ear buds that break easily produces excess waste, which is damaging to the environment. Broken ear buds can harm wildlife. Because of the iPod’s design, the long cords can easily get tangled and caught onto animals.

In the past, the ear buds came with a slip on soft foam cover to fit over the ear bud to make it more comfortable to place inside the ear, but this was an ineffective design. There was nothing securing the foam cover on to the ear bud, so it often fell off and people would loose them, creating more waste into the environment. The foam cover did not do any good for people’s ears either. The foam covers easily collected dust and dirt, and every time people placed it into their ears, they were clogging their ears with dirt, dust and bacteria, impairing their hearing.

In terms of iPod ear bud’s design and noise cancellation, it has none. For this reason, many people like to turn up their iPod the maximum volume to cover up outside noises. This does not only disrupts other surrounding people because they can hear the music from three feet away, it is also damaging to the ears. Listening to loud music periodically causes hearing loss over time. When the main audience of iPods consists children, teens and young adults, as they mature their hearing ability will have been negatively impacted.

Design in Society

Apple has consistently changed the world of design with new personalized products that improve the way we live our lives. This laptop design was made specifically with the idea of human use in mind. When designers created this product they took into consideration our human interactions with the object; how we would view the object and most importantly use the object. Designers aim to create a product that is versatile, dependable and efficient. In many ways the Macbook Pro design meets these factors. Though there is no perfect design, the Macbook Pro design is utopian because it aims to improve society.

Unlike many other laptop designs, the Macbook Pro was made to be reliable and dependable so that people do not have to worry about their laptop crashing when they need it the most. Though it maybe a bit pricey, it is well worth it in the end to save the stress and hassle of repairs. The Macbook Pro is very versatile, whether you are a student or working at the office, or an artist, the consistent design is capable of a variety of things. This is what makes the design so successful. The versatility allows tasks to be done much more quickly and efficiently. This is what makes the design very effective and functional for people. Time is very valuable and efficiency is key in this fast paced society that we live in. What is great about this design is that it opens up so many opportunities for people to learn, network, research, create and so much more. This design is utopian because it is a valuable tool that can be used to aid us in almost anything we do.


Color Transforms

If I were to imagine the color red, chances are that the red color that I had imagined would not be the same red as the person next to me. In the book Interaction of Colors, Josef Albers discusses how color is constantly changing and it is almost impossible to see a color alone by itself because it is always seen in relation to the colors it is surrounded by.

The green grid on the left appears to be different than the green on the right, but in actuality both greens are the same. It is the surrounding color that deceives our eyes into seeing them as different shades. It is said that color is understood through experience. When we compare and contrast different colors it helps us to understand their interaction and can learn to apply this to design. 

Interior designers often work with color and must observe how colors interact within a space. When interior designers are designing, they must take into consideration of how the space will be perceived as a whole. Color themes are often used because a certain combination of colors can portray specific feelings and moods that are desired within a space. A combination of green and white colors in the design below give an earthy-feel and peaceful appeal to the room below.