Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ergonomics - Bamboo Pen Tablet

Wacom is the world’s leading manufacturer of pen tablets, interactive pen displays, and digital interface solutions. One of their most popular products appealing to a wide variety of audiences is the Bamboo Pen Tablet.

The Bamboo Tablet's design focuses on the tablet's function as a tool of interaction with the user and the computer. The tablet is popular because of its versatility and capabilities, such as drawing, writing, note taking, editing images, and much more. It allows people to simply use the product without too many difficulties or complications.

Using a tablet is quite a different experience than using a mouse or track pad on a computer. When using a mouse of track pad for a prolonged amount of time, wrist pain is commonly experienced due to strain from a bent wrist.  With a tablet, a pen enables the wrist to rest on the flat surface without bending, which eliminates the strain and allows a more comfortable experience. People tend to also be more familiar with the action of holding a pen or pencil so that it is natural as a pencil on paper. For many, using a tablet for the first time is not a problem.

Another benefit of the tablet’s design is that it enables much more free range of movement than a mouse or track pad. When using a mouse or track pad, motions are rash and quick, and it is often very difficult to make small detailed movements. Tablets excel in precision and detail because of their design. The human hand can easily grip around the pen comfortably allowing full control even in the slightest hand motion. Any shape, line, or curve, is easily achieved with the tablet pen. Many digital artists prefer to use tablets over any mouse or track pad because of its mobility and simply because it is easier to use.

The Bamboo Pen Tablet can connect to any computer, desktop or laptop, PC or Mac, as long as there is a USB port. Tablets can quickly execute actions with quick keys. They are usually located on the center of tablet pen and can be set to keyboard functions. There are also quick keys located on the edge of tablet surface. The addition of quick keys to the design allows the tablet to be customizable to the user, and can speed up productivity. Instead of using the cursor to scroll over and click the option, the user can simply press the quick key button to have the option selected, saving time.

The tablet is thin and flat so it is easily transportable. The dimensions are 9.8” x 6.9”, which is not too large, so it is easy to place on a desk and to store away. The Bamboo Tablet was designed specifically for the human hand's interaction with the computer screen. The tablet design succeeds in being efficient and task appropriate.



  1. A friend of mine is on a 'pen tablet' hunt. Will tell him to look into this particular brand as well. Thanks.

    I've never used a pen tablet myself. I thought it was only used to draw stuff.

  2. I fixed the linked to the website so you can check it out.

    There are many different kinds of tablets, some are specific to drawing, some are especially made for business, etc. The Bamboo tablet was made for the home or office, it covers the most general functions and it's the most affordable. xD
