Sunday, October 17, 2010

Comparison and Contrast

What makes an object popular? What makes it attract people’s attention? What makes it work? 

There are many infomercials on television selling special products to fix various problems or products just to create convenience to peoples’ everyday lives. But I always wondered why some products became a success and why some were just a flop. I guess the answer is, it’s all in the design.

One of the products that happen to intrigue me the most was the Snuggie. If you didn’t know, a Snuggie is basically a blanket with sleeves. When I first saw the Snuggie commercial I assumed that it was just a brightly colored blanket. I wondered, “why not just use a regular blanket? It would be the same.” But it turned out, it wasn’t the same as a blanket, a Snuggie had sleeves! I thought, “if you are that cold, why not just wear a jacket? It has sleeves, it will keep you warm.” But I guess some people refuse to wear jackets indoors.

When I first saw a Snuggie, I thought it looked very strange and I admit that I had always made fun of the people in the infomercials because I never really understood the idea behind it. But after seeing it on television after many years, I had never realized how popular it became. And then one day, I had a chance to try a Snuggie and it was not bad as I thought. It even had a pocket! The Snuggie is not a just a blanket or a jacket, but a hybrid of both. I guess the reason why it became so popular was because of its convenience and function. Even though in my opinion it is not the most appealing to wear, it’s function over fashion with this design.


1 comment:

  1. Never seen anyone wear it here. This was a first for me but yeah with the winter just around the corner, having a snuggie is a good idea.
