Sunday, October 17, 2010

Iconic Icons

Everyday people are exposed to hundreds of icons, from street signs to stop signs, and religious symbols to company logos. Though people may not realize it, icons are everywhere, guiding us through our daily routines. But, what is an icon and what is its significance? According to Housefield, iconography is the pictorial language of signs and symbols and their transformation over time. The word, iconography literally means “image writing.”

Iconography is important in the design world because it enables communication between the designer and viewer. Designers create icons to communicate important messages and meaning to the viewer. When looking at an icon, people are able to identify and understand the icon at first glance than reading a written message. Because this method is very efficient, many icons are used for signs on highways and streets to help us find out way. They are also used to communicate warnings and hazards, to keep people from getting into dangerous situations. Icons can also be used in various situations, even humor.

While searching through the internet, I happened to come across a group called Improv Everywhere, their motto, “cause scenes of chaos and joy in public places.” When browsing through their videos, I found one to be the most memorable, titled “who you gonna call?”

The video takes place in the reading room of the Public Library in New York City. The scene starts out with 3 people walking into the reading room. They dressed with white sheets over their heads pretending to be ghosts. The audience around them stared in confusion wondering what was happening. A few minutes later, 4 men dressed in uniform suits with the iconic Ghost Busters logo walk into the same room. The men immediately begin to chase the ghosts around the library and eventually chase the ghosts out of the library.

As soon as the viewers were able to identify and recognized the iconic Ghostbuster logo and image, they immediately reacted with laughter and applaud showing feedback of understanding. It was the iconic logo that really brought the audience to comprehend and appreciate the scene. Icons are very powerful in that they can change confusion into understanding almost immediately.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I love collecting Icons as well :)

    Hilarious video. Thanks a ton for making my day.

    Really nice post. Two thumbs up!
