Sunday, October 10, 2010

Creativity from Without

Where’s the creativity? Where’s the inspiration?
Believe it or not, artists don’t get inspiration by staring at a blank wall all day. They go out and see the world. Experience things. Artists can get inspired everywhere and by anything. Contemporary artist, Lisa Hoke is inspired by the colors of everyday objects. Sculptor and photographer, Andy Goldsworthy is inspired by the environment. These are only a few examples, but all artists get their own inspiration from somewhere or something. Where do I get my inspiration?

I get my inspiration from various things. Sometimes it can be from my favorite hobbies or interests, or even everyday experiences. Even little observations from everyday happenings can spark a whole new fascination. For example, one day after playing guitar, I set my guitar pick down onto the desk and couldn’t help but notice how the shape resembled a tooth. I imagined it as a monster’s tooth. So I took all of my picks and laid them out on to the desk and moved all the pieces around, and then it turned into a guitar PICK MONSTER!

Sometimes when looking for inspiration, I like to listen to music. Though I may not always understand the lyrics or what the song is about, I listen for the feeling and tone of the song. I usually create stories and scenes imagining what it could be about. Every time I listen to the song there is a different story playing in my mind, so if get inspired by an idea, I sketch it out on paper. This is the most effective way for me to find creativity.

Usually whenever I find something that interests me, I think to myself “What if it was like this?” or “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” My mind wanders and daydreams of all the possibilities. I love being inspired because you may never know where the creativity will lead you.

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