Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stone Soup

A soup made of stones? Not exactly.

 Stone Soup is a book illustrated by Marcia Brown. The idea of stone soup is that everyone is contributing a little bit of something that they have into something much greater. So we recreated this idea of stone soup within our design groups. Everyone brought in various items and our objective was to all collaborate to create and build something using what we had.

The first question that came to mind was, “What are we going to make?” Though we may have not realized it, but we went through something called the creative process, which involves activities such as thinking, looking and doing. “These three procedures can stimulate the artistic problem solving process.” as stated in Design Basics by Lauer and Pentak.

First we looked at the items that every group member had brought. Then we started to think, “What could we make with these?” We looked through the items again and brainstormed a bit, sketching out a plan and discussing amongst ourselves. The most difficult part was trying to decide on what to create as a group because many of us had different ideas and opinions, but once we decided on an idea, we started the building (or doing) process.

As we continued, we would run into problems, “What can we do next?” Then we would turn to this creative process again by looking and assessing, then thinking and solving, then doing. Not necessarily following in the exact sequence of looking, thinking, and doing, but jumping around and sometimes almost doing them simultaneously. The creative process is continuous process, whenever there is a problem the creative process is a way to solve it. 

In the end, this is what we created. The idea was based off of replicating a deck of cards, specifically the king card.

After finishing our project, I had a walk around to see what other people had created. It was pretty amazing to see what other groups had created. Here are some of the other design groups work.

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