Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Encounter

When I think back to first encounter with design, the first object that came to mind were my old pair of roller skates. The first time I saw a pair of roller skates I was a bit confused because I had never seen anything like it before. I thought it was very strange as to why there were wheels connected to boots. I tilted my head in question and was a bit skeptical, but at the same time I was curious as to how it worked.

Looking at the pair of roller skates for the first time, I noticed the bright red shiny material on the exterior of the boot and felt how smooth it was. I spun the large wheels and I felt its rubbery rough texture. I rolled the skates back and forth and felt how fast and smooth it rolled. I noticed how little pieces of dirt collected on the wheels as I rolled them over little bits of sand and rock on the ground. These were some of the characteristics that really fascinated me and later motivated me to try the roller skates.

The roller skates provided a new experience that was an alternative to walking. Putting on skates for the first time made me feel uneasy and a bit scared too because it was something I was totally not used to. But with skates on my feet, I soon learned that could move smoothly with sharp turns and swerves on concrete, which proved to be more efficient than walking. Like wings to help you fly into the air, skates help you glide freely along the pavement without a care. The more I skated the more I grew to love it. And even now, I would rather trade my pair of shoes for a pair of roller skates anytime.

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