Sunday, October 3, 2010


What makes a film trailer capture its audience? A few days ago when browsing through youtube, I came across a trailer for a film called Buried, directed by Rodrigo Cortés. Viewing the trailer for the first time, I remembered the importance of first impressions as discussed in lecture as we viewed a short introduction to the film Amélie, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. I had never watched Amélie before, so there were many thoughts running through my mind about this character; like who this character was, what were their interests, and what kind of person they were. Similar questions arose when viewing the trailer of Buried for the first time.

Does this film seem interesting to me? Am I willing to go a theater and pay to watch a film like this? The design of the trailer is very important because it gives a first impression of the film to the viewer. It can determine whether or not people will show up for the film on opening day. The most successful trailers will engage the audience, showing them little snippets of the film to make them wonder and want more.

The reason in choosing this specific trailer was because it seemed very different from the typical trailers that I would normally see. I found the design very fascinating because it used no footage from the actual film itself, it only displayed still images captured from the film. If you have not seen the trailer already, you may think that it will be very slow paced due to the still images, but it is not. The way that the trailer is designed, the images are moving, turning, flipping, appearing and disappearing. The progression is controlled by a set of lines that travel throughout the screen. The lines move in all different directions, changing to colors, increasing with speed, and are cued with sound effects. These are the aspects of creating an environment of intensity and suspense. Also, as the trailer progresses, little bits of information and clues are being revealed through the dialogue, creating mystery and suspense within the narrative.

These are the characteristics of trailer that really made curious and interested into finding out more about this film. I would say that the designers were successful in capturing and engaging the viewer. This was a definitely a good first impression for me. I think I will be seeing this film sometime in the future.


1 comment:

  1. Yep, this trailer was really good. It's got my interest definitely.

    Let's hope the movie is as good as the trailer.

