Sunday, October 31, 2010

Industrial Design - mass production

In 1957, the Coca-cola company began using aluminum cans for its popular carbonated beverage. Now the aluminum cans are being used by many other companies and their beverages, such as Pepsi, Sunkist, Dr. Pepper, Hansen’s, and many others. Whether it’s a carbonated beverage or juice drink, the aluminum can design has been a popular way for people to enjoy their favorite beverage.

The reason why the aluminum cans gained popularity so quickly was because of its design. The cylindrical shape makes it very convenient for consumers to carry around and the cans could easily stack on top one another for easy storage. The aluminum material is durable enough to resist punctures and keep the beverage cool very nicely. The signature “click” when pulling the tab became a trademark in advertising the freshness and crispness when first opening the beverage. Not only is the aluminum can’s form functional, its exterior design became very marketable.

The Coca-cola cans are recognized by their signature red color. The vibrant red color catches our eye and we perceive the color with the emotion of excitement and joy. The white line that waves across the can suggests recreation and relaxation. It gives the viewer the sense that drinking a can of coke will help to relax the mood. The cans are also label with a specialized typeface, called Spencerian script. The logo is written in a cursive lettering style, which is unique in that it was a popular style of handwriting in the mid 19th century, relating to the Coca-cola Company’s history, being the classic original soft drink.

Through the form and content displayed on Coca-cola can’s design allowed it to be successful in marketing and effective in conveying its concept to the consumers. That is why the coke can had become very popular and the same can has been used for many other products and companies.

1 comment:

  1. Can we get a post about the different beer cans or bottles? :) There are so many beautiful ones around.
