Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trash Cleaning Trash

In the past, designers were only concerned with functionality and creating products with materials that best fit the need. But now realizing the impact of our existence on the environment makes us rethink of how we must change the way we life our lives. Our relationship with design has changed the way designers must design. Designers must now think and question where the design will end up in the future and how it will affect society. In our ever-changing society, the new constraint of design must not only be functional but also has to be sustainable.

A company called Electrolux AB is sparking a conversation about being more environmentally friendly, with their new design of vacuum cleaners. The vacuum cleaners are fully functional and can suck up dirt from carpet and rugs like any other vacuum, but these vacuums are special in they are made of plastic trash collected from the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, North and Baltic seas.

The design may seem very ironic at first, in that it is an object that cleans up dirt and garbage, and yet it is made out of something that was once garbage. People may question and wonder how something that was once considered garbage able to be something that is now so functional and useful. And then the conversation becomes about Design. Design is ephemeral. As the world changes, there will always be new problems to solve, new constraints to over come, and the role of the designer is to keep designing products that will help improve our lives and society. 

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